Halvdagstur i Bryssel
Rundturen börjar med en kort promenad där ni får utforska kärnan i medeltida Bryssel på det berömda torget Grand Place, där också det världsberömda marknadstorget finns. Här får du höra om historien bakom det anmärkningsvärda rådhuset och de pittoreska skråhusen.
Sedan fortsätter rundturen i staden på en lyxig buss. Ni får se den vackra St. Michaels-katedralen, Congress Column, Heyselområdet med den världsberömda Atomium, den kinesiska paviljongen och det japanska tornet. Ni åker förbi det kungliga residenset och sedan återvänder ni till centrum för att ta en titt på Sablonområdet med dess otaliga antikvitetshandlare.
Rundturen fortsätter med en tur till det magnifika Justitiepalatset och det fashionabla Louise-torget, och ni åker förbi det ståtliga Place Royal, kungliga slottet och parlamentsbyggnaderna.
Därefter hamnar ni mitt i EU-kvarteret när ni kör framför de resliga EU-byggnaderna som inhyser Europeiska kommissionen, Europaparlamentet och ministerrådet.
- Upphämtning vid hotellet (endast vissa hotell)
- Transport i buss med luftkonditionering
- Avlämning vid hotell
- Mat och dryck, om inget annat har angetts
- Dricks (valfritt)
- Du får bekräftelse vid bokningstillfället

The tour was supposed to include visit to chocolate factory and chocolate tasting but didn't happen. Tour guide spoke mostly in Spanish. Also the guide Bruno asked me where I am from in a rude way. When I said India he said " you should be proud that you are from India". Sarcasm or racism ? If the tour operator has a problem with Indians they should make it clear beforehand so we don't book this tour. There were no stops other than atomium for photos. On the whole was not as expected. I have been on various viator tours in UK which were really well conducted. Hope this one improves.
Good tour but flew past several nice photo opps. With only 6 of us we could have stopped more times.
The guide was very knowledgeable and pleasant. As there were only 5 guests for the tour, I was grateful that it wasn't cancelled.
The problem with this tour was the bad guide named Frank who was mostly unintelligible,although very well informed.The places shown are better seen individually.It is a tour of two and a half hours and seems to be waste of money.The palace was shown as a drive by without any stoppage..
It is very fast paced, but worth it. You get to visit one of the oldest malls and chocolate factories. I wish there was more time to walk around and explore, but for what it was, it was nice.
Good tour to introduce you to places of interest.
This was a very average tour. I saw the main highlights of Belgium but was disappointed we did not get off the tour bus enough.