Heldagstur till Moher-klipporna från Dublin
För att hålla dig sällskap på din resa och ge dig underhållande och informativ guidning längs vägen har vi trevliga och erfarna guider. Låt dig förtrollas av Irlands blomstrande västkust. Vi kommer att berätta för dig, inte bara om floran och faunan i det här området, utan även om dess fascinerande historia.
Ingen semester i Irland är fullständig utan ett besök till de majestätiska Moherklipporna. Besök O'Brien's Tower, titta på en interaktiv video vid besökscentret och promenera på klipporna för att beundra utsikten över havet och Aranöarna. Om vädret tillåter kan vi äta lunch bredvid klipporna. Ett annat trevligt alternativ är att bege sig till den charmiga byn Doolin för lunch.
Doolin är en charmig by med utmärkta restauranger. Prova fisk och skaldjur! Vår resa tar oss sedan till kalkstensunderverket Burren, som är ett stenigt men bördigt landskap för växter och blommor. Färgglada blommor har brutit sig igenom sprickorna och fårorna i denna kalkstensmark, vilket gör det till en verkligt unik plats med ett blomstrande ekosystem.
Vissa sorters blommor kan bara hittas i den här regionen. Ta dig fram på den steniga marken och utforska Burrens landskap. Efter att vi har strövat runt Burren kommer vi att besöka den historiska och livliga staden Galway. Vi åker tillbaka till Dublin via en annan väg, för att säkerställa att du har möjlighet att se mer av den förtjusande västkusten.
- Inträde till Moher-klipporna och Burren National Park
- Transport i buss med luftkonditionering
- chaufför och guide
- Lunch
- Du får bekräftelse vid bokningstillfället
- Småbarn är välkomna förutsatt att kunderna tar med egna bilbarnstolar

We visited Cliffs of Moher two weeks ago on a cloudy day, but the views were still breathtaking. Our driver/guide Sandra was awesome, giving us a lot of information about all the places we visited and Ireland in general.
Mike was the best tour guide! He gave my mother and I such an authentic Ireland experience. In the morning we went to see the cliffs but it was very foggy. We then went to Doolin to eat. Afterward, the fog was clearing up and he knew how much we wanted to see the cliffs, so he pulled missions to bring us back to see the cliffs again and they were breathtaking. Mike was so friendly, sang Irish songs, shared awesome Irish history facts, told funny jokes, gave great suggestions such as food suggestions and was just the best tour guide anyone can ask for. It was an unforgettable experience. If you have the opportunity make sure you go on this tour with him!
Overall it was a good trip. Jennifer was a great guide and Stan got his money's worth driving that big bus. Weather wasn't great at the Cliffs but we knew that was a risk and out of the company's control.
Overall this was a wonderful tour, very well organized and all of the sights were of course incredible. My only complaint / recommendation is I could have done without the constant flow of painstakingly-detailed, depressingly gory stories of all the ways the Scots and English tortured and slaughtered each other throughout history, on the bus rides. Some people probably didn't mind but I just wanted to enjoy the tour and relax on the bus ride. Other than that the guide was very nice and helpful and I would definitely recommend for anyone visiting Dublin.
The trip to the cliffs with Nowell was great! He was a fantastic guide/driver and the trip went very smoothly. I enjoyed the stops along the way and the knowledge of the guide.
Amazing experience!
I went by myself, and this was a great day trip. It was wonderful driving in a loop to see as much of Ireland as possible. Galway was great, and the Cliffs of Moher were amazing. I also like that we fit in visiting a National Park. I'd recommend this to anyone visiting Dublin!
This was a wonderful experience with some very interesting information. It probably should be made known though if you have a cold and can't stop blowing your nose in your hand and sneezing then you should stay home.
Even though it was pouring rain the views were breathtaking. Definitely a must see! And take your time to walk all around as the sights are beautiful from different angles.