Snabbinträde med guide till Uffizierna
Florens är känt för sin överdådiga konst som påminner om den obevekliga konstnärliga verksamheten och prakten i det romerska riket. Uffizierna byggdes på 1500-talet.
Det välkända museet är uppdelat på två våningar och över 50 rum och rymmer mer än 100 000 målningar, skulpturer och antikviteter som vittnar om rikedomen och prakten i det romerska arvet. Eftersom det är en mycket attraktiv sevärdhet kan spontana besök innebära långa, obekväma timmar i kö. Rundturen på Uffizierna med snabbinträde kan bespara dig problemet. Följ med på rundturen på Uffizierna. Se och lär dig mer om mästerverken som gömmer sig i den omfattande samlingens labyrint.
Få snabbinträde med en erfaren och kunnig guide. Börja resan vid en privat ingång. I snabbinträdesbiljetten till Uffizierna ingår en kunnig guide som berättar om museet. Se höjdpunkterna i samlingen, från Botticellis Venus födelse och Primavera till Michelangelos Tondo Doni och Caravaggios Medusa.
Rundturen tar ungefär 1–2 timmar. Utforska galleriet så länge du vill. Titta på dina favoritmästerverk igen, innan du går in i bokhandeln. Drick gott italienskt kaffe på museets kafé med utsikt över domkyrkan eller ta vackra bilder av den charmiga utsikten över floden och Ponte Vecchio från andra våningen.
- Inträdesavgifter
- Alla skatter, avgifter och administrationsavgifter
- Guidning i särskilda hörlurar
- Alla aktiviteter
- Professionell guide
- Du slipper garanterat de långa köerna
- Upphämtning och avlämning på hotellet
- Mat och dryck
- Du får bekräftelse vid bokningstillfället
- Rullstolsanpassad
- Ingen fordonstransport behövs från mötesplatsen till museet eftersom platserna ligger på gångavstånd från varandra och guiden leder gruppen dit
- Kom 15 min i förväg till mötesplatsen
- Ta med giltig ID-handling
- Alla besökare måste passera genom metalldetektorerna vid säkerhetskontrollen. Räkna med att det tar 10–15 minuter att gå igenom säkerhetskontrollen
- Om gruppen är större än 15 personer tillhandahålls hörlurar

Our Guide, Julia, was beyond excellent. Her knowledge of the topic was endless and her English was better than mine. We enjoyed this tour immensely.
Martina was wonderful! She was clear and thorough and very entertaining. Never a dull moment as she walked us through the Renaissance Era. She made excellent use of our time and was sure to show us the most important pieces in a very organized and efficient manner. We also stayed after the tour was over to explore the rest of the museum. However, the experience would not have been the same without Martina.
Had such a wonderful visit with our tour guide Irina. She spoke with such insight and made the stories behind such masterpieces come alive. And she also showed some symbolism behind the paintings so that most people without art history degrees could recognize in other works. Highly recommend her!
This was one of the highlights of our recent trip to Italy. It was made possible through the effort and knowledge of our tour guide, Julia! She made the Gallery come alive.We journeyed with the Medici's through time as we gained an insight into Florentine history through magnificent works of art. There was no time to waste by standing in long waiting lines for hours. This tour was perfect...history with Spectacular visual ...Our guide, Julia, is truly incredible in every aspect of her work. If possible, schedule with her! Highly Recommend!!!!!
Uffizi is such a great gallery and we were very excited to take this tour. There is so much to see and learn in this gallery. The initial experience in terms of finding the meeting place and getting inside was very good. However, we were total let down by the guide Galya who was not at all interested in giving a good tour. She was in extreme hurry and skipped a lot of rooms (she did not cover a single sculpture). She was also a bit rude towards people...not just from our group, but other people in the gallery as well. She did not want to give any bathroom break and hurried people outside the bathroom. She mentioned that she is an accountant by training and got into this profession as she could not practice accountancy in Italy, and probably that shows as this profession is not her passion. Great opportunity to enjoy the Uffizi gallery wasted!
Words can barely describe the beauty of the Uffizi. Our guide was amazing and simply a beautiful place to visit.
Stunningly good. Our guide Irina was extremely knowledgeable, personable and an excellent communicator. Two hours flew by in what felt more like a full-on art history class rather than a tour. Irina focused on the stand-out works on the top floor and we learnt a huge amount, while never being swamped with trying to see too much. You are free to see more after the tour but we were happy just to absorb the chosen works. Highly recommended.
Alla not only knew her history and her art, she wove it together in a cohesive and enjoyable tour. The company was well organized in the midst of the craziness of entering the UFFIZI. All went according to plan and our time with Alla sped by. Definitely recommend!
Our tour guide, Irina was absolutely amazing! I would highly recommend this tour as you get all the highlights plus interesting tidbits about the artists.Loved it!
The Uffizi is an amazing museum filled with an overwhelming amount of art. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and went through a lot of the master pieces which we otherwise would not know about. It took a while to get in due to the long lines, even though we had the skip the lines tour. Overall a must see if you’re in Florence, and the tour was well organized. The only thing was I think our tour was cut short due to the long lines, maybe our guide had another tour after ours.
My husband and I loved our afternoon at the Uffizi! It really is a must to do this with a guide so they can show you the highlights and explain the stories behind them. Irina was an amazing tour guide! She was so knowledgeable and passionate about the art there it really was enthralling! Wonderful!