Sightseeingtur i Krakow med cykel
Nu är det dags för en avkopplande tur längs Krakows flod Wisla innan du beger dig till Krakows getto och får se det som återstår av gettots mur. Se lämningarna efter Krakows historiska judiska kvarter Kazimierz. Vid det här laget har du fått upp aptiten, så att du kan avnjuta en polsk måltid på en traditionell polsk restaurang. Restaurangen består av en gammal judisk snickares butik, en skräddarbutik, en vanlig butik och ett serveringsrum. Du får chansen att sitta bland autentisk utrustning och artiklar från 1800-talet, som symaskiner, klänningar, snickeriverktyg och andra föremål som såldes en gång i tiden. Där finns även delar av väggarna som en gång delade butikerna.
Vi påbörjar vår resa tillbaka från restaurangen via Kazimierz bartäta områden, innan vi följer den kungliga vägen bakom slottet hela vägen till Polens enda Leonardo Da Vinci-verk, Kvinna med hermelin. Vi understryker att du inte måste vara i form för att delta i den här rundturen. Krakow är helt platt och perfekt för cykling.
- Cykeluthyrning
- Stadsguide
- Regnkappa vid behov
- Lunch
- Dricks (valfritt)
- Mat och dryck, om inget annat har angetts
- Du får bekräftelse vid bokningstillfället
- Cyklarna passar barn över 128 cm

Of all the trips we did in Krakow, this was my favourite. Our guide, Mike, was very knowledgeable of the city and brought the history alive. The trip covered the most interesting points and gave us ideas to go back and visit later in our stay. 100% would do this again.
Perfect way to see all the highlights of Krakow, learn a little history and find out where to go to on your own time. Lunch was good, but a little slow. Bikes were great and tour guide was awesome - Spoke great English and was easy to understand and follow. This was my first visit to Krakow.
Very good. Tom a little bit difficult to understand, but a tour that was very good value for money.
Due to rainy weather, we decided to not participate in the tour. They did offer us the opportunity to do the tour on another day, but our tour schedule did not permit it.
Fabulous bike tour with very humorous guide called Tom who showed us round the city with a running commentary on the history of this beautiful city . Easy bikes to ride easy pace to keep up and mostly off road . Lovely simple polish lunch included . Great value for money and a must do if you want to see it all in 4 hours .
Our bike guide was wonderful! HIghly recommend. He even helped us with directions to train station and post office to pick up our tickets after he was done with the tour. Fantastic!! Be prepared however for lots of bike riding with lots of stops every 10-15 min for informational updates. Loved it but wish I was in better shape.
This was a excellent tour and a great way to see the city in a short space of time. Guide was very knowledgeable and friendly. I would definitely recommend it.
Brilliant 3 hour tour around Krakow seeing all the sights and avoiding busy roads. Our guide Tom was exceptional and very friendly.