Självständig Rigi-tur från Luzern med kryssning på Vierwaldstättersjön
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Bege dig till pir 1 vid på Vierwaldstättersjön vid den valda tidpunkten. Med tidtabellerna kan du planera dagen som du vill. Det finns flera avgångstider för kuggstångsbanan och linbanan.
Gå ombord på en båt vid piren och koppla av medan du kryssar längs Vierwaldstättersjön, en av Schweiz mest fantastiska och unika sjöar. Kliv av i Vitznau och stig ombord på Rigis ärevördiga kuggstångsbana för en tur upp till Rigi Kulm. Rigi Kulm kallas för ”drottningen av bergen” och är den högsta toppen i bergskedjan Rigi på 1 798 meter.
Från toppen kan du njuta av en underbar 360-graders panoramavy över den schweiziska platån med Schwarzwald, Vogeserna och alperna i Glarus och Bern. På halvdagsturen får du två timmar på egen hand på toppen, på heldagsturen får du fem timmar. Åk släde, hyr snöskor och vandra längs en vandringsled, ät lunch på någon av de mysiga restaurangerna eller bara njut av utsikten – det är helt och hållet upp till dig.
Åter ombord på kuggstångsbanan åker du ner till Rigi Kaltbad, en semesteranläggning som ligger på en solig terrass på 1 433 meter med utsikt över Vierwaldstättersjön.
Härifrån kan du gå ombord på linbanan och njuta av en hisnande färd ner till Weggis på sjöns norra strand. Vandra runt den pittoreska bergsbyn innan du beger dig till stranden där båten väntar. Koppla av och njut av de sista vyerna på båtturen över Vierwaldstättersjön tillbaka till piren i Luzern. Den självständiga rundturen avslutas här på kvällen.
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Gå ombord på en båt vid piren och koppla av medan du kryssar längs Vierwaldstättersjön, en av Schweiz mest fantastiska och unika sjöar. Kliv av i Vitznau och stig ombord på Rigis ärevördiga kuggstångsbana för en tur upp till Rigi Kulm. Rigi Kulm kallas för ”drottningen av bergen” och är den högsta toppen i bergskedjan Rigi på 1 798 meter.
Från toppen kan du njuta av en underbar 360-graders panoramavy över den schweiziska platån med Schwarzwald, Vogeserna och alperna i Glarus och Bern. På halvdagsturen får du två timmar på egen hand på toppen, på heldagsturen får du fem timmar. Åk släde, hyr snöskor och vandra längs en vandringsled, ät lunch på någon av de mysiga restaurangerna eller bara njut av utsikten – det är helt och hållet upp till dig.
Åter ombord på kuggstångsbanan åker du ner till Rigi Kaltbad, en semesteranläggning som ligger på en solig terrass på 1 433 meter med utsikt över Vierwaldstättersjön.
Härifrån kan du gå ombord på linbanan och njuta av en hisnande färd ner till Weggis på sjöns norra strand. Vandra runt den pittoreska bergsbyn innan du beger dig till stranden där båten väntar. Koppla av och njut av de sista vyerna på båtturen över Vierwaldstättersjön tillbaka till piren i Luzern. Den självständiga rundturen avslutas här på kvällen.
- Detaljerad tidtabell
- Rundtur i Lucerne-kryssningen
- Kulhjulståg med rundtur
- Flyg med flygbana
Ingår ej
- Hotell pickup och drop-off
- Valfri verksamhet på egen bekostnad
- Mat och dryck, om inte annat anges
- En bekräftelse skickas vid bokningstillfället
- Fungerar under alla väderförhållanden snälla klä på lämpligt sätt
- Goda walking skor rekommenderas
- Snacks och drycker finns att köpa ombord
- Observera: barn biljetter (6-16 år) måste köpas på dagen och kommer att finnas tillgänglig till en reducerad skattesats
- Anpassat för rullstol
- Åtkomligt med barnvagn
- Servicedjur tillåtna
- Nära kollektivtrafik
- Transporten är rullstolsanpassad
- Resenärer bör vara i medelbra fysisk kondition
- På grund av revisionsarbetet på linbanan är Rigi endast tillgänglig via kugghjulståg från Vitznau till och med den 26 april 2019
This was great, you basically can choose your own adventure, if you choose the whole day you can come back whenever so it just gives you great flexibility. The one word of caution is if you are traveling in off season some things may not be operating. In early April, the cable car on the way back was closed for almost all of april due to maintenance. We did not find this out from the operator but had to pay attention to the timetables as well as listen for the announcement it was closed. Viator was great about refunding a portion of it and we found our way back without much issue, but it's something to be aware of.
NOTE - this is merely an advanced ticket purchase, which is a bit less expensive than if you had done it yourself. Make sure to check the timetable for the train to Rigi Kulm the top from Rigi Kaltbad where the cable car takes you. Your voucher is your ticket, so no need to stand in line., If not careful, you will miss your train to the top and have to wait another hour for the next one, limiting your time at the top. Mt Rigi is great if you are into hiking and outdoorsy stuff like that. For people who don't hike, there isn't much to see. As is stated in the important information section, be sure to check the time the boat is leaving from Vitznau this is a different location than you are dropped at and you need to check the boat timetable. My boat left 15 minutes earlier than initially scheduled. Also, note the :cruise of Lake Lucerne is merely the boat going from dock to dock on its usual circuit of pick-ups/drop-offs.
This was such a great day. Started off with a cruise on Lake Lucerne. The weather was perfect. So many beautiful sites along the way to the base of Mt. Rigi. Rode the cogwheel car to the top of the mountain. It was absolutely breathtaking up there. We brought a picnic lunch and stopped in the little store they had up top and got a bottle of wine to enjoy with our picnic. Lots of grassy areas and benches to relax up there. Took lots of photos of the beautiful sites. Saw people paragliding from the top. Rode the cogwheel back down a few stops to where the tram was. Tram ride was great with the exception of them cramming too many people in at once. Luckily I was able to be on the outside in order to take pictures. Once you get to the bottom you have to walk a ways to get the boat back. We enjoyed all the different looking houses and we saw some goats in a field that had bells on. Was a magnificent day with my hubby. Would highly recommend it.
Beautiful views from the top! Very easy to navigate independently and I appreciated the freedom to leave when I pleased!
A little confusing at first since the ticket booth at the boat gate had no idea what we were talking about. We thought we needed vouchers for each leg of the trip. Go directly onto the boat and just board the other different transports. They recognize the one vouchers that you print on the website. It appears you can customize it any way you want. Full and half day tours were the same price. When we arrived early for our afternoon half day, the boat conductor let us board without questions....same for all the other rides. Even if it appears a little overcast the clouds go in and out and you always get a spectacular view. Wonderful boat ride and the train ride up was a great experience. The excursion was more than we ever expected!
When I received the booking confirmation for the full day tour option I was dismayed at not receiving the travel timetables for the different modes of transport remember this is not a 'guided tour', more of a round-trip travel booking. The point of wanting the timetable is so as to understand when the cogwheel train departs and the different stops it makes on its way up the mountain, and what times the cable car departs. The promised timetable was not, unfortunately, provided. Nor was it clear which ferry stop we had to get off at for the cogwheel train. HOWEVER, Swiss efficiency means that a print-out of our voucher was accepted on the ferry, train and cable car despite being managed by different operators. The day of the tour was unbelievably sunny and the sky was clear. The ferry ride about 30 minutes was great. I can't remember the correct stop for the cogwheel train, but just ask one of the ferry staff and they'll let you know. The train ride was simply breathtaking. We went right up to the top. Great respect for the hikers who were legging it up the mountain - many of them a ripe old age and their fitness made me feel suddenly self-conscious about all my extra middle-age weight!!! After an hour or two at the top we took the train back down a few stops to where the cable car is. You'll recognise it because its quite built up not like the other stops filled with quaint and often traditional styled cottages. If you're ever unsure, just ask the staff/conductor and they'll set you straight on which stop to get off at. Remember - take care which train you take down from the very top as there are 2 seperate routes down the mountain leading to 2 very different end destinations. We took the slow easy stroll down to the station just before the one at the top and from there you can better see where the train lines seperate. The cable car ride down was terrific but, and I cannot stress this enough, the cogwheel train up was absolutely breathtaking. Do your darndest to get a seat by the window if you're looking up towards the top of the mountain then choose the left side of the carriage. The picture opportunity is unsurpassed and again - the trip up is absolutely amazing. Not having a guide was no trouble at all as the different operators are all professional and well informed so can direct if you are unsure of anything. Highly recommend this.
Beautiful Lake Lucerne cruise on an old paddle boat was so fun and the crew was so nice! We loved seeing Mount Rigi. Great way to spend our day!!!