3-rätters middagskryssning på Seine vid Marina de Paris
Tidig middagskryssning – DCD18
Ombordstigning 18.15 med ett glas vin.
Sen middagskryssning
Ombordstigning 20.45 med antingen:
Exempel på middag:
Urval av förrätter
Avsmakningstallrik med 4 förrätter
Pilgrimsmusslor, krossade färska tomater
Crème brûlée med zucchini och basilika
Kycklingchutney med semikokta morötter, röd paprika och tapenade
Spenatkrisp, rökt lax och stenbitsrom
Minestrone med färska grönsaker och blåklint, kokos- och currygazpacho
Urval av huvudrätter
Ugnsstekt kycklingklubba, parmesanrisotto, röd paprikamarmelad
Torskfilé med grön sparris och grädde, fondant på gula morötter
Tjock stek med grön paprika, potatisrosett, säsongens färska grönsaker (+7 €)
Friterade färska grönsaker och lökconfit, friterad polenta
Ostbricka (+6 €)
Urval av desserter
Avsmakningstallrik med 3 efterrätter
Jordgubbs- och yuzumacaron
Petit-chou med vaniljkräm, rostade aprikos- och pistageflarn
Mörk chokladdessert med earl grey-te, hallonsås
Wok med färsk frukt, jordgubbskupol med ris och vegetarisk grädde
*Laktos- och glutenfri vegetarisk meny
- Nedanstående 3-rätters middag beroende på valt alternativ: Tidig middagskryssning – DCD18Ombordstigning 18.15 med ett glas vin. Sen middagskryssning Ombordstigning 20.45 med antingen: Drycker: 1/2 flaska rött eller vitt vin – DC21 Ingen dryck – DC21HB
- Dricks (valfritt)
- Avlämning vid hotell
- Upphämtning från hotell
- Du får bekräftelse vid bokningstillfället
- Barn måste åtföljas av målsman
- Barnmåltider ingår inte
- Klä dig ledigt men snyggt
- Vegetariska alternativ finns, meddela vid bokningen om det önskas
- Nedanstående 3-rätters middag beroende på valt alternativ :
- Tidig middagskryssning – DCD18Ombordstigning 18.15 med ett glas vin. Sen middagskryssning Ombordstigning 20.45 med antingen:
- Drycker: 1/2 flaska rött eller vitt vin – DC21
- Ingen dryck – DC21HB

The dinner cruise was excellent. The staff was warm and friendly. The only thing negative is that you need to read the menu, as there are additional charges that you might overlook.
Departed and returned on time. Great views of Paris from the boat, with different perspective than from land - most are window seats. Food was good with 4 sample size appetizers, choice of two entrees and 3 sample size desserts. Dinner was served quickly and efficiently - just not much time to check the menu for potential food allergies. Allow extra money for drinks and the photo they take which you are not required to buy.
Then food and service was Great. My server was KHALED. He did a perfect job and responded promptly and made sure my food came out hot. The negative part regarding this dinner, All guest are crammed into a small space. The tables are extremely close putting all guest right up on each other. A party of 2 next to me, 1 of the ladies Hair was up against my Glass on my table. That's Unsanitary. It's not her fault though because we are soo close together. The lady right away noticed and put her hair in a bun. That's how close the staff cram us in. For the money spent for this dinner, I feel all guest should be more spaced out and have more room.
Warm, welcoming and efficient staff. Food was good and well presented. Music well scripted to complement the sites on the tour. Only possible negative would be paying extra on the evening to have a window seat although it did give us great views.
Very good value, staff were very attentive, food was good quality, the scenery was magnificent and of course, the company was out of this world.
Loved this. Dinner was great, staff awesome, wine very nice, view perfect. What a great way to start a visit to Paris. We went our first night in Oaris, after getting off the plane, checking in and napping. We wanted something simple and planned our for us and this was just right. It was romantic and fun and a good deal. Not two negatives, ladies bring a sweater, the AC was a bit cold, and tough to find a cab after. We took the 9:15 cruise and had a tough time getting back. We finally figured out the metro! I would line up a car or get comfortable before, with the Metro. It was such a good deal that I am buying it for my son’s honeymoon.
It was a sensational experience with good food and excellent drink. A different view of Paris that I could enjoy.
My wife and I took this cruise in early May 2019. It was great. The instructions are wrong, you need to go directly to the dock to get the boat, the instructions provided say to go to 1 Rue de la Légion d'Honneur, 75007 Paris, France. This is wrong, you need to go directly to PARISCityVISION La Marina Boat Port Solferino, just Google Map it. The meal was of high quality and the cruise was excellent, you will love it.
It started to rain as we waited for the boat,but as we bored thecsun came out and was still shining as we disembarked, The meal its self was good and strarter and dessert being small sample portions was a great idea,staff were curtious and efficient . The setting and weather combined with the food and atmosphere made for a memorable evening
This was a great way to spend the evening after a busy day. The food was great and the service was good. It was a fun way to see the city from a different perspective.
It was a very enjoyable night on the Seine. I can't think of a thing I would change. It is not a luxurious cruise like some but it is very pleasant and priced accordingly. The food was very good. The waitstaff efficient and pleasant.