Ancient Appian Way E-Bike tour
Take an evocative, fascinating tour down the Appian Way, one of the first streets in Rome. The Ancient Appian Way is also known as the “Queen of the Streets” – it crosses the famous Parco degli Acquedotti, an important biological corridor in Rome’s city center, which tells the tale of the history of water in Rome and its related engineering works – in fact, six ancient Roman aqueducts converge here.
The rest of the tour will take you down a route that evokes the best of the region’s history, culture, and art. You will ride on a top-notch and smooth e-bike on a 2,300-year-old meadow and relive the history of the great empire, crossing a unique landscape full of ancient footprints, imperial mansions, statues, tombs, and the St. Calisto Catacombs.
Your visit will include stops at:
- Porta San Sebastiano
- Parco della Caffarella
- Ninfeo di Egeria
- Parco degli Acquedotti
- Villa dei Quintili
- Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella
- Circo di Massenzio
- Catacombe di San Callisto
- Terme di Caracalla